Saturday, December 25, 2010

How Does Spirituality Fit Into Daily Life?

Spirituality is the practice of living life from the divine power of the Universe, from the God-self or greater power than your human form alone. When you are living in-spirit (inspired) you begin to tap into the awesome power and limitless potential of all that is…the Universal power of Oneness. Read more...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Know What Is Important in Life

When the Heart is open, the experiences in life are viewed differently, with a sense of deep knowing that whatever is occurring in each moment is due to a specific reason or has a unique intention.

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Does a Balanced Life Feel Like?

In the general sense of the word "balanced" one would be lead to believe that you must be completely balanced and at the higher vibration levels to be truly happy. This is a myth, as we are constantly increasing our level of energy vibration beginning the day of conception. When we arrive in this form-based world we are completely in balance with the Universe.

What Does a Balanced Life Feel Like?

In the general sense of the word "balanced" one would be lead to believe that you must be completely balanced and at the higher vibration levels to be truly happy. This is a myth, as we are constantly increasing our level of energy vibration beginning the day of conception. When we arrive in this form-based world we are completely in balance with the Universe.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Can Anyone Help Me to Move Forward in Life

We each have a spirit guide and mentors to assist us in raising our energy vibration, and to watch over us when times are troublesome. However, it is necessary for us to be alert and ready to receive the assistance when it is offered.

You are never alone, even when you may feel as though the world has been tough on you. Always remember, there are lessons to be had in every life-situation and many of them come from circumstances that may seem unfair or as though you have been wronged in some way. Each life-situation has value, even when you feel you do not deserve the harsh reality of a challenging event in your life. Read more...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Moving Forward In Life by Quantum Leaps

If you really want to move forward in your life by quantum leaps, get out of your head and open you heart instead...then hold on tight because you will begin to soar like an Eagle. It's a wonderful journey...Read more...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Veterans Day Means to a Marine

What most people do not realize is that Marines are trained to be Peace keepers. And, they only use force as a last alternative against those that are putting other people in harms way. It's a tough job and can take its toll on a Marine's mental stability when forced into multiple tours of duty in hostile situations. Therefore, Marines put much more at risk to keep peace in the world than simply their physical body. Read more...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is My Life Balanced

Living a balanced life is more than just excelling at the roles we play on a daily basis to survive in this world. It is more about how we feel when we perform the duties we all encompass, by using our God given gifts to thrive through living a life filled with purposeful love and attention to sharing those gifts for the benefit of everyone that comes our way. Read more...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Create Relationships Through Faith

There's always more going on in the background of life than what you see on the surface. We all have our own personal agenda for fulfilling our purpose for being here and the roles we play to accomplish our mission are sometimes very complex.

When we choose to bring someone into our life path it would be wise to let them know what they are in for ahead of time. This simply means be yourself, not the guarded self with your best foot forward, but the actual person you are everyday. If the potential intimate relationship is going to thrive it won't help if you are holding back your true personality. Either the person will be in harmony with you or they will not, it's really that simple. Read more...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Relationship Management - Grief of a Breakup

One of the most difficult experiences in life is a relationship breakup. This is not to be confused with a relationship breakdown, which in many cases can be corrected through sincere communication and/or third-party counseling. A breakup is past the communication aspects of the relationship and a decision has already been made, either jointly or perhaps one-sided to end the relationship. Read more...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where Are You Headed Today

The key to moving forward in life is to have faith in yourself and the unlimited power of the Universe to assist you in any endeavor, truly knowing in your heart what is right for you. Only you can decide which track you want to be on at any given moment.

Ride your own Train!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Improved Health through Meditation

Most people are unaware that twenty minutes of Meditation is equivalent to four hours of peaceful sleep. Discover now...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Embracing the Present Moment

If you spend your whole life thinking about tomorrow and yesterday…you will surely miss the miracle of enjoying the present moment.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Choose to Be Happy and Grateful Daily

Everyday we are faced with making many decisions in life-situation. However, the outcome of these decisions can vary greatly based upon the alignment of our Four-Body-System.

"Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle…I relinquish all grievances, resentments and regrets by choosing the miracle." – Derived from A Course in Miracles
How do you make your daily decisions, do you base them on your natural state of Being, or do you think everything through based upon using your mind first?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ride Your Own Train

It's a choice!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Merging Ego and Soul Together

Contrary to what most people believe, the ego and soul can be merged together to create an unlimited physical power-source to move your life forward. Read more...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Acceptance of What Is

Everyone is doing their best…based upon their current level of consciousness…accept and love them as they are without judgment. Read more...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Manifesting Teachers During Life Process

Life Process will introduce you to many different people in your lifetime. When you realize you are the one manifesting them into your awareness, then you will be ready to learn from that realization.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Expanding Our Natural Abilities

We each have unique natural abilities, which we can choose to hold captive within us, or we can expand them to the fullest by sharing these gifts with the world.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who Creates

Everyone co-creates in every moment based upon their own unique life-situation; however, we should always remember that the creation process itself is all part of the totality of Oneness.

Therefore, what we co-create has an affect on everything else in the Universe, both form and formless. Separation is only in the mind. We are all part of the same Source Energy constantly changing to meet the current life-situation from a standpoint of Oneness.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life Plan or Career Path

If you change career paths multiple times, it is not a sign that you are out of alignment with Original Source Agreement. It may only mean you are progressing at your own rate of awakening unique to the life-situations you chose in each current moment.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life is a Process Guided by Faith

The main purpose for being here is the same for everyone…to discover self and merge ego with the Soul. All the other form based by-products of that discovery are nothing more than an examination to consciously illustrate your current level of energy vibration. Therefore, how you perceive life is continuously guided by higher self; whether or not you listen is based upon free-will and level of faith.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Conscious Attention on the Current Task

Goals are achieved by taking massive action on the task at hand and conscious clarity of purpose. Therefore, if you are not focused on the task (to completion) you could become lost in random thought, which is equivalent to running around in circles  and eventually arriving back at the starting point – without accomplishing anything.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Confusing Your Role with Self

What happens if you merely define yourself by the roles played in the life process? Do you believe you are less once a role is completed or are you still the same Being?

Your answers will assist you in determining whether your life is driven by ego or higher self. The answers will also help you to better understand your current level of happiness and peace. Read more...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Power Is in Being

Most people are so wrapped up in the illusion of constant doing that they forget the power of simply Being. Read more... 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Build Strong Relationships with Children

The strength of relationships with our children today…will become the foundation of humanity evolution; therefore, pay close attention to what they say, as they will surely be the leaders of tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sneak Preview of Main Event

As with every story, there is background information which never appears on the surface for all to see. The stage performance may be polished, however, eventually the true version, behind the scenes is exposed.

Therefore, it is really interesting to watch the stage performance, and then, connect with the performer later in the true experience of the main event to observe who they really are.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blowing in the Wind without a Parachute

Jumping out of an airplane without a parachute is similar to going through life without a Life Plan. You will eventually end up at your final destination; however, the end result may not be very desirable. Listen to your higher self guidance (instinct) and align with your true purpose; it will assist you in obtaining a pleasant landing. Get balanced today...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life Plan Defined

Our Life Plan is merely the methodology used to align with the consciousness of the Universe. And this is meant to enhance love, happiness, and a peaceful experience here on Earth.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Spiritual Intervention

If you observe a friend experiencing a fearful control drama, you can help by intervening spiritually with a conscious gesture of love. Every now and then a simple hug is all that is needed to break a pattern causing someone unnecessary pain.

Oil Spill Threatens Lake Michigan

Sierra Club reports – Canada-based Enbridge, Inc. oil disaster closes Kalamazoo River and endangers Lake Michigan. The EPA reports 1 million gallons have spilled into Michigan's Battle Creek, which feeds the Kalamazoo River and empties into Lake Michigan. See the full story including video for a first hand report.

Who will clean up this new spill and what can we do to protect our natural resources from future occurrences?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The ConsciousWords Article Directory

For those of you that are new to the Spirit Publishing Blog, you may not be aware that we have a place on the Internet for you to express yourself and profile your business.

Please take a few moments each week to share your opinions by writing a short personal article on our free ConsciousWords Article Directory.

Welcome to the family!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Does Crying Cleanse the Soul?

The Soul is pure and does not require cleansing; it is always in a state of pure love and happiness - without exception. 

The mind on the contrary is capable of producing fear, anxiety and sadness; therefore, it expands its story based upon emotional stimulation. These thoughts and emotions can be cleansed in part through crying, as it brings the person back to surrendering to higher spiritual self. Thus, it cleanses the mind of the story brought on by the emotions, which are actually there to alert you when you are out of harmony with higher self awareness. Read more...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Integrating Meditation into Daily Life

Once you awaken to the fact, "Meditation is not some-thing you do…it is the experience of Being that which you are," it will become easier for you to integrate your higher purpose into daily life. Then you will start asking better questions and life will flow with conscious clarity, as never before.

Individual purpose for Being here is easily discovered when focused intention is approached through the emotion of Love, rather than fear. Therefore, we all have the power to live a life filled with daily happiness and true meaning. What's your choice?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Staying Connected with Higher Self through Meditation

We all consist of a Four Body System and how deeply we are integrated into the various parts of that system determines how we approach our life-situation on a daily basis. If you could discover how to simply acknowledge that you do indeed have these multiple aspects of the body, without allowing them to control you, your life would be a lot happier.

Through meditation, you can consciously stay connected with the highest power of this system, the Spiritual Body. Read more...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Discover the Core Purpose of Meditation

How many times have you felt as though you were saturated with life-situation drama and simply wanted to take a break from it all? With so many influences in our life coming from outside sources it's difficult for most people to believe there is a place to go to eliminate thinking about it all.

Meditation is a time when you stop thinking about all the things you need to do and focus on just Being for a few moments. Read more...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Meditation - Connecting with God

Meditation is connecting with God (Highest Source), which includes you, me and all the rest of human creation in the Oneness of the Universe.

We are all co-creators of the Almighty Creation, called GOD, without separation. It matters not what religion we choose to follow...there is only ONE GOD and we are an intricate unlimited drop (part) of that ocean of limitless creation. Discover the inner power of self...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Letting Go to Experience Change

After you have done your part to co-create some change you would like in your life - let go and let change happen. This has also been stated, "Let go and let God."

Just allow the power of the Universe to pollinate the seed you planted, and then, simply cherish it and watch it grow.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Meditation is about Being in True Character

There's a misconception that meditation is about focused thinking on a particular subject or mind based physical element. When in reality it is an experience into the conscious awareness of which you are, a Spiritual Being having a human experience. You are pure energy; however, most people use the mind in an attempt to place some definition on that which is beyond form.

"Mediation is not some-thing you the experience of Being that which you are!"
- Terry Swejkoski

When you finally recognize that meditation is beyond form, then you will begin to understand that meditation is about Being in true character, which is a Spiritual Being, period.

We are all capable of disassociating ourselves from form based objects and thought; however, few every really experience their true essence at a level of energy vibration capable of even starting to understand the eternal scope of what that really means.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Aligning with Career Intention

If you are not happy with your work, it may not be what you were intended to do. Being in harmony with your true career path means you are in alignment with your life's intended work. Perhaps, if you are struggling in today's economy, it may be time to take a second look at what you are doing to make a living.
When you are doing what you love to do, your work flows easily and is a career - not a job!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Emotional Well Being and Anger Management

Anger is an emotion at the bottom of the energy vibration spectrum. Due to its negative nature, it is also one of the least understood emotions. When we say, "I am angry" about some situation, what it usually really means is that we are fearful of losing control of a situation.

It only requires a few moments of your time to discover a few simple ways to eliminate anger/fear from your life. The end result will be increased emotional well being and daily happiness. Read on for more

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Meditation Focus - Guidance from Higher Self

During times of confusion or difficulty most people look to friends, relatives, coaches, therapists or some other person for guidance. This is typical because we have been taught to do this without actually realizing the consequences of this limited perspective.

However, there is an alternative place to go to solve the challenges of daily life, and the true reality is you can access it from where you are in any present moment.

If humanity is to evolve we must all learn to travel within to receive guidance and solutions that mortal man will never obtain outside of true higher self.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Spiritual Being Who You Really Are

We are all multi-dimensional spiritual beings currently having a human experience. It's the personality (ego) that holds us back from being our true self.

Each of us is here to fulfill a particular mission based upon a remarkable master plan. Whether we believe that or not depends on the level of control we allow our personality to have over the actual mission we planned before being born.

Yes, we made agreements with Source energy (God) to come here and do our part to move this planet forward in evolution long before our actual human birth date. Get reconnected today...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Power of Love and Forgiveness

We all signed up for this journey of human experience based upon bringing our predetermined gifts into awareness – meaning to be shared with everyone. If you have someone in your life that needs forgiveness due to past mistakes, maybe it's time for you to experience the power of love – it forgives all mistakes.

Everyone in your life is a gift to be cherished; therefore, don't waste your life holding grudges caused by egos manipulation of your higher self. Let peace be...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Enjoy Each Present Moment

You can be happy everyday of your life...if you focus on what's right in front of you. The NOW is really all you ever enjoy each present moment!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fitting Meditation into Daily Routine

Terry Swejkoski is now writing a column for Traverse City Meditation Examiner...check it out.

Most people pack so much into one day that they believe it's impossible to fit meditation time into their daily routine. The truth is the ego will fabricate whatever story it needs to in an effort to stop you from meditating.

Before you allow that to happen keep this reality in mind:

"Meditation is not some-thing you do…it is the experience of Being that which you are!"
- Terry Swejkoski

Monday, June 28, 2010

Proposal to hold a World Peace Forum "Peace in hands of everyone"

This post is for anyone interested in the World Peace Forum in the Ukraine. You can read all the details at the main website for the organization State of Planet.

This is the original invitation post:




Come on!

We are beginning to develop a plan for the World Peace Forum "Peace in hands of everyone". The main purpose of the forum:"Every inhabitant can believe that life on our planet tomorrow depends on his steps today". The main difference of this forum lies in the fact that its conduct is initiated by ordinary people who are not endowed with the attributes of power. Already accept your suggestions on the plan of its holding. We invite all interested individuals and international organizations of the world to cooperate on its organization and conduct. World Peace Forum can be combined with the first constituent conference of supporters State Of Planet MotherLand. Conducting such a World Peace Forum as possible on the basis of attracting a huge number of interested people, advocates of world peace and human rights activists, Pop stars and community organizations, tourist and commercial organizations, as well as the media. The same can be held separate meetings and rallies, for example:

Art and contemporary artists for world Peace, scientists have for world Peace, writers and poets for Peace, Students for Peace and so on.

The forum may be held exhibitions, concerts, meetings. He can become a real holiday for the sake of peace.

The venue can be a city of Odessa (Ukraine), which has good transport interchange, a developed infrastructure tourism and hotel industry, has experience in international events. Important fact contributing to an increase in the number of people participating in the Forum, is the presence of treaties on visa-free entry to Ukraine citizens of more than 50 states. Date to be agreed with the tour companies that can attract a large number of tourists to participate in the Forum. Also to be developed set of cultural activities that promote familiarity guests with Ukraine and its traditions.

Project initiator social union State Of Planet MotherLand

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Conversations with God through Meditation

In his classic book series "Conversations with God," author Neil Donald Walsh shares his ongoing dialog with God. What most people do not realize is that we are all capable of having these same type of conversations with God or Source energy.

When meditating, outside distractions and cluttered thoughts are removed, which allows the words of Source energy to flow through us with conscious clarity. The most amazing reality is the fact that the more a person meditates, the clearer the messages become. Meditation is also a wonderful way to gain insight into the reasons we do what we do and to view acceptance of what is as an unlimited tool of deeper understanding during this human experience.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happiness during Plan Changes

How do you respond when you make plans to do something, and then, for some unknown reason, the plans are changed due to some outside accordance? Do you go with the flow, become alert and make the best of it? Or, do you become upset and feel victimized? The answer could be an indication of your overall happiness level in life. Ponder that for a few moments…

Monday, June 14, 2010

Solutions Manifest from Within during Meditation

Most people have a tendency to search outside themselves for solutions to life's challenges. The truth is the best solutions always manifest from within. This is especially true during meditation. In those moments of silence and peace, it's possible to increase energy vibration and gain a foothold into the realm of limitless possibilities, where all solutions are hidden.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Conscious Clarity and the Law of Attraction Meditation

Conscious Clarity can be achieved in many ways, including through meditation and purposeful attention to a specific intention.

The universal law of attraction is supercharged during meditation when you focus on something that you would like to manifest into your life. When meditating, you can actually boost your energy vibration to a level equal to the current energy level of that which you desire. When in this state of conscious clarity, the Universe receives a clear imagine of what it is that you would like to manifest. Read more...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Meditation Reduces Stress and Unnecessary Thought

When starting each day with a clean slate or at least few thoughts, the world as you know it is seen through different eyes. When life is approached with "Conscious Clarity," the smoke screen of outside influences no-longer has control of your daily life-situation. Therefore, stress is eliminated from the vocabulary.

Would purging unnecessary thoughts from your mind have a positive effect on what you could accomplish today? Read more...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Present Moment Reflection

When you learn to meditate - you will begin to understand the power of the Present Moment. Ponder that possibility...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meditation – A World beyond Mind

It has been stated, "The typical person has as many as 60,000 thoughts in a single day." The interesting part is most of them are recurring from the previous day and therefore unnecessary.

Here are two simple questions to ask yourself about recurring thoughts:
Can you rationalize why you continue to think about the same things day after day?
What would happen if you could actual purge those recurring thoughts from you sub-conscious mind? Read more... 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Focus on the Message

I know I've said this before, however, its worth mentioning again. We have all had academic rules pounded into us since the day we were born. The critics of literature will be the first ones to pounce on every grammar error made. My advice, forget the grammar patrol and simply write the best you can!

Focus on the message you are delivering to your audience. That way you will always write from your heart instead of your head, which will result in a better connection with readers.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Meditation - A Trip to Arlington

Not long ago I visited the Arlington Cemetery to pay my respects and to watch the Changing of the Guard Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It is one of the most heart felt and somber moments I can remember in my life.

While walking through the cemetery I asked myself one question while overlooking all the grave markers, "How many more lives need be lost, before humanity finally realizes, God never intended for us to take One single life?"

Please take a few moments to reflect on the mental anguish each military person endures when put in harms way. Meditate on Peace here...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Spirit Publishing Offers the ConsciousWords Article Directory

Spirit Publishing also offers access to the ConsciousWords Article Directory, where you can post articles as an author or find professional articles to promote on your own website. Check out the ConsciousWords Article Directory now...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Response to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill of 2010

We are now seeing the devastating consequences of drilling for oil in the Gulf. Risk management obviously failed to do its job in protecting our natural resources. We continue to see the actual cost of allowing oil companies to tap our nature resources in the Gulf. Drilling for oil in an environment that is conducive to catastrophic failure when something goes wrong is simply too risky to continue. Read more...

Life Plan Balance - Happiness

Balance in life has everything to do with how happy you are on the surface of life-situation. This is obvious for some people but totally foreign to others. I'd like to share a few insights with you pertaining to how you can easily gauge your level of happiness. I've learned over the years that the mind (ego) needs some form of categorized system to fully understand the complexities of life-situation. The mind has difficulty with total acceptance of "what is" and needs constant reassurance of why things are as perceived from the sensory inputs. Read more...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Financial Freedom

The mind-set you have about your financial freedom is primarily based upon the programming you received as a child. This programming learned during your adolescence will stay with most of you throughout your lifetime, or until you decide to make a change and move into a completely different mind-set. It's never too late to learn a system that may work better for you.

If you are one of the few brought up and educated in an environment of higher financial understanding count your blessings - you are way ahead of the rest.

You have two choices when it comes to your financial freedom or financial well being. The choice you make will determine the end result or outcome of that mind-set. You can choose to be rich or poor, it's really that simple. Read more...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Career

The gifts you brought with you when entering this life cycle were all pre-planned before your first breath. Everyone is really great a something. When you learn to search deep within your higher self that greatness will surface and you will know what career is best for you. Outside influences cannot dictate what career will fulfill your destiny; however, there are many resources available to you to better define your specific gifts. Read more...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Family Relationship

There are actually three sections to the Family Relationship category, Birth, Extended and Intimate families, which relate to infancy, adolescence and adulthood, respectively. Each of these sections plays a significant role in your overall perceived happiness. When you learn to love unconditionally, you will understand the true purpose for inviting each of these family members into you life-situation. Read more...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May is National Meditation Month

Meditation is not some-thing you do…it is the experience of Being that which you are! - Terry Swejkoski

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Blessing

Happy Mothers Day – It is such a wonderful blessing to be a Mother. Having been chosen by your children to be part of their life is the greatest honor a woman can attain. Cherish this day of tribute, and bring peace and gratitude to each special moment shared with them everyday.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Physical Health

The human body is a miraculous vessel used to house the Spiritual self, of which, you are. The misconception is the physical body will continue to function at its peak level, without required maintenance. It actually requires a proper balance of water, nutrients and exercise to remain operating at peak efficiency. When the physical body does not receive these three mandatory ingredients, it begins to breakdown. This breakdown occurs gradually, usually without you being aware of it, until it becomes a serious physical problem. In most cases, this breakdown can be reversed with proper maintenance and persistence. Read more...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Integrating Channeling and Meditation

Channeling is nothing more than stepping energy down to a lower level of understanding, such that, it can be used as a teaching experience. Everyone can channel, without exception; channeling is enhanced through meditation.

The way we all teach is based upon on own life experiences, what we think and what we believe. This is typically viewed from an egoist perspective as something that is hard to do or something that requires some special talent or savant nature. Well, the truth is we are all savants (learned person) in our own respect. We all are really good at something. That something is your true higher power and is a gift to share with the world through teaching.

Your true talents rest deeply buried within your self and only you can bring them into the light of the higher energy levels of teaching. On the inside we are all the same. We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. It's the outside labels and distractions of daily life situation that place a smoke screen over our true higher self. Part of the smoke screen or untruth is that we are different. Therefore, it is necessary for the ego to place labels on our outward appearance. These labels separate us from our true higher self and will be there until you decide to take back control of your life-situation. You can do this by practicing the act of meditation. Read more...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Internet Marketing Services at Spirit Publishing

Spirit Publishing, LLC offers you a full array of Internet Marketing Services to take your organization or personal life to the next level of achievement. Read more...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Meditation Spiritually Defined

Meditation is not some-thing you do…it is the experience of Being that which you are! - Terry Swejkoski

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Importance of the Emotional Body

Your Emotional Body is the egos governing power of the Four Body System and requires special attention each day to operate at optimum efficiency.

What you think about will always manifest, both positive and negative, as you are the creator of your own reality and in control of how you choose to perceive any given situation. Positive life enhancing emotions will always overpower doom and gloom, with light, peace and happiness. The choice is yours - you write your own destiny - so choose wisely. Learn more...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Life Plan Balance – Emotional Well Being

We all consist of a Four Body System and how deeply we are integrated into the various parts of that system determines how we approach our life-situation on a daily basis. If we could learn to simply acknowledge that we do indeed have these multiple aspects of the body – but not allow them to control us - we would all be a lot happier.

The Four Body System consists of the:
  • Spiritual Body
  • Mental Body
  • Emotional Body
  • Physical Body
All emotion is based upon two primary root emotions, fear (darkness) or love (light) and it's a conscious choice which one you put in the forefront of your life. If you want to live a life filled with abundance and happiness, your Emotional Well Being should be of utmost importance to you. Remember, there are no victims in life when you live each day in acceptance of what is. Nothing is done to you, unless you choose to perceive your "self" as a victim of the life circumstances which merely happen around you. You are in control of your emotions; the way you choose to feel can be in harmony with your higher self on the Train of Life™, or they can be a self created, harmful, reactive force for bringing more of the same things you don't want into your life.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Soul Merge

We are at a time in our evolution that we will either change or we will no longer exist as a species. The time has come to learn how to live from a higher state of awareness and we all have the opportunity to do so. It is truly an opportunity to step outside of our limitations and begin a new phase of evolution. All it takes a little effort on our behalf to reach into the deeper aspects of our limited self and emerge with higher awareness and guidance. The Earth is now integrated into a fourth dimensional spiritual structure and more people realize there is a better way of sustaining life. The mass consciousness of the world is increasing to a point of no return; we can no longer continue to live from only a third dimension reality or from the egos perspective of truth.
When the Soul Merge is fully integrated you will be in constant contact with Source energy, and your heart and throat chakras will blend together. You will openly acknowledge the Spiritual Being which you are, and will communicate both auditory and mentally from a higher level of awareness. What others may think of this new you will have no significance to you, as you will realize that it is not your business to interfere with their beliefs. You will be in direct harmony with your true higher self and those that choose to follow will - those that choose not to - will simply be left behind. This may be especially challenging for intimate relationships, as you will have grown to a point of no return, while your mate is still living life from a third dimension perspective.

Simply be patient and allow your life situation to evolve as it is naturally meant to, and enjoy your consistent state of inner peace and connection with Source energy - all will be as it is meant to be. Learn more...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where Am I Going After This Life?

This is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time, as we know it from the egos perspective. The answer is right in front of you. You will go exactly where you are meant to go, based upon how you lived your life-situation and how deeply it is in harmony with your Original Source Agreement. This pre-planned agreement has all the detail you could ever ask for; all you need do is stay connected with Source energy to be clear about your next intended step. Read more...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ready to Travel the World

Discount travel seems to be the rage due to the current economic climate. Everyone is looking for the best possible deals prior to spending their hard earned money on a trip. Whether it's travel for business or a personal vacation, we all want to feel like we did a excellent job planning the details.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Spiritual Life

Most people today continue to live based upon third dimension intelligence or grounded in the limited reality of their mind (ego) and form based sensory perceptions. This is understandable, as the majority of today's teachings is readily accepted by society and supports this limited knowledge base due to the collective mass energy vibration level. However, there is an emergence of higher self, at the four dimensional level, in movements throughout the planet, of which most people are simply not aware. The people in this minority of spiritually based groups have learned to increase their energy vibration to a level of reality that transcends that of third dimensional self. It will be necessary for you to begin interacting with these groups if you are to move forward in life beyond the limited mind based third dimension boundaries that have held you prisoner until now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Strategy for Life Plan Balancing

Life plan balancing doesn't happen by itself, it takes an effort on your behalf to get the most out of the life planned for you. Don't expect to sit back and see miracles happen without first doing your part in the process.

To receive useful tips on what you can do to achieve a balanced life without resistance sign up for the Free Conscious Clarity Newsletter today.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Life Plan Balance

Each of us has eight life plan categories that require balancing for us to be happy on a daily basis.

Life Plan Categories:
Spiritual Life
Emotional Well Being
Physical Health
Family Relationships
Financial Freedom
Soul Merge

Balancing these categories is critical to living life to its fullest and bringing enjoyment to those around you. You can learn how to do this in an easy step by step program. Read more...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Conscious Clarity Energy Process Video

Happiness in Life's Illusion

Somewhere along the path of life we have lost touch with what it means to interact with one another for the simple joy of sharing an experience. When was the last time you watched a young child (under 4) at play? If you watch closely you will notice one fascinating aspect of their interaction with others…they are happy in each moment. They are totally focused on the present moment, have zero stress and could care less if they win or loose the game they are playing. All that is important to them is that they are playing the game. The outcome has absolutely no effect on their peace or happiness, because they are happy to just be in the game.

We as well meaning adults are responsible for hypnotizing children into believing it's important to win. This is one of the greatest tragedies and burdens we embed in their belief systems. If we were conscious of the negative impact this would have on them later in life, we would never plant this seed of peaceful destruction. What we destroy is the natural state of happiness, by basically telling these vulnerable blessings of life that they must win to be happy. We become the destroyers of joyful interaction with others and don't even realize we are the cause. Then this negative competitive trait is amplified by other well meaning individuals in society through the school systems and again later in the business world.

If we would all simply take a few steps back, we would learn from watching a child's higher energy vibration expand the outer realms of life-situation and we would all be a lot better off in the long run. When was the last time you played a game or participated in some activity with others just for the sake of being in that moment for enjoyment, without the purpose of winning? Do you compete in everything you do? Have you been hypnotized into believing there can only be one winner? What if everyone could be a winner, would that make you feel better? Would you be willing to give up your competitive training if you knew you could do more good in life by doing so? These are all good questions; however, some would say it's not realistic to think this way. Who said so? What do you believe and why?

As we progress through our life cycle an amazing thing happens. We start out in a state of pure bliss, go through a phase of accruing material possessions to identify with, and finally, as we mature, we learn that the material stuff doesn't mean anything. When we realize the stuff is not who we are and only an outward reflection of the false self, we start to wake up to the true nature of life. There's nothing wrong with having nice things and to be in a position to do what we want to do - when we want to do it. However, loosing touch with the reality that you are leaving here with the same stuff you came here with is living a life of pure illusion. Why not share something today, as you did when you we a young child, before you learned the word…MINE.
Do something nice for someone today. Do it without wanting anything in return. Be like a young child and experience the joy of just being in the moment for the sake of being here. No planned outcomes, no competitions, no expectations, no rewards other than the happiness you feel as you reconnect with the joys of peace and freedom.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Writing with a Mix of Purpose and Creativity

Writing with an initial key purpose in mind is the key to the actual quality of the text created. If you are not following through with your true intention for writing it becomes simply a bunch of words on a piece of paper. If the outcome is to be creative from a descriptive standpoint then the writing takes on a different tone, as it true with a fictitious piece. What's the sense is writing at all if you are not fulfilling the intended outcome at the end of the writing process.

There are many of us out there in the literary world that simply just love to write for the sake of writing itself. It doesn't matter that much what the topic is, as adjustments are made to accommodate the particular message provided to the reader. Therefore, the great aspect about a career in writing is that you always have a new avenue to approach if you were unsuccessful in the last one. Obviously, the easiest topics to write about are the areas of your deepest personal interest. This is because you have an emotional tie to the subject matter. This allows your personal passion to be transcended from visual thought patterns to auditory messages in the story or article you are presenting. Read more...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Niche Building with Focused Energy

One of the biggest mistakes a small business owner can make is trying to compete with the huge corporations that have seemingly unlimited marketing budgets. I'm not saying be fearful of getting into the game, what I am saying is choose your niche and stick with it.

Select any industry with the potential for huge profits and I promise you will find a giant corporation dominating that industry in some manner. That's part of the American Capitalism World, get accustomed to it. However, the strength of huge corporate structure is also their downfall. Their main purpose for existence is to maximize profits and to do it in a big way. The huge corporations answer to stockholders and stockholders want to see their investments growing consistently; with that comes a great deal of bureaucracy, including multiple departments that need to interface with one another to get anything done. Read more...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Moral Armor

Today I had the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend Ronald E. Springer, author of the thought provoking philosophical novel Moral Armor. In this literary work of art the author expresses his opinions on what caused America's Moral Decline. It is an intriguing read and gives a unique perspective to understanding why individuals have morally declined in life. You can learn more by visiting for an in-depth review, plus, the availability of this novel in eBook format.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Blessing

May the spiritual resurrection of which you really are shine through with Conscious Clarity today and throughout the year.

Spend a few minutes in peaceful meditation to raise the mass consciousness of the world.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Peace Is Universal - It Is Your Natural State of Being

Article by:  Terry Swejkoski

Peace is the Universal natural state of Being. It is the antidote to all unrest in the World. Yet, most of us continue to place a veil over this natural way of living life to its fullest. When we consciously decide to remove this veil we will bring awareness to the beauty of returning to Universal Peace.

There is an emergence of more peace related organizations in the World then ever before. This is due to an awareness of the insanity of how not being peaceful will destroy our planet.
This is one of my favorite quotes:

“When it’s dark enough you can see all the stars.”
- Emerson

It’s in the presence of light that all good things come. So I’d like to pose this question, “Why do most people still decide to allow outside activities to influence their quiet, relaxed, inner peace?” It takes a lot of hard work to place that veil of darkness over the normal peaceful self. When we are in a state of peaceful awareness, the outside influences do not have the same effect on us. Read more...

Friday, April 2, 2010

ConsciousWords Announces Format Change

This week Spirit Publishing launched the new format of its ConsciousWords Division to assist writers and marketing individuals in fulfilling their goals. The new format is based upon the same proven enhancements we added to the Spirit Publishing main website earlier this year.

The ConsciousWords Division of Spirit Publishing is packed with valuable tools, including the ConsciousWords Newsletter, which delivers excellent writing tips for novice and seasoned writers. Additionally, we now have 3,500 authors utilizing our article directory to give them worldwide exposure. There's something there for everyone, whether you are a writer, publisher, marketer or simply someone that enjoys learning from experts, you can benefit from using this valuable tool. Visit today at for more information.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Conscious Clarity Energy Process

Spirit Publishing is the home of The Conscious Clarity Energy Process. The program was developed to fulfill your business and personal success and happiness in life. The foundation is presented in a series of detailed volumes in sequential order through our membership only publication.

There are three levels available to you for your convenience, Soul Merge, Universal and Monadic. Where you fit best depends on where you are currently positioned in awareness...only you know where that is at this present moment in time. Read more about this dynamic self-enhancing spiritual program by visiting today for a complete overview.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Natural Energy of Creation

Friday, March 26, 2010

Spirit Publishing First Post

Welcome to our new blog from Spirit Publishing, LLC. We are new at this so please have patience with us while we get our feet wet!