Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Importance of the Emotional Body

Your Emotional Body is the egos governing power of the Four Body System and requires special attention each day to operate at optimum efficiency.

What you think about will always manifest, both positive and negative, as you are the creator of your own reality and in control of how you choose to perceive any given situation. Positive life enhancing emotions will always overpower doom and gloom, with light, peace and happiness. The choice is yours - you write your own destiny - so choose wisely. Learn more...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Life Plan Balance – Emotional Well Being

We all consist of a Four Body System and how deeply we are integrated into the various parts of that system determines how we approach our life-situation on a daily basis. If we could learn to simply acknowledge that we do indeed have these multiple aspects of the body – but not allow them to control us - we would all be a lot happier.

The Four Body System consists of the:
  • Spiritual Body
  • Mental Body
  • Emotional Body
  • Physical Body
All emotion is based upon two primary root emotions, fear (darkness) or love (light) and it's a conscious choice which one you put in the forefront of your life. If you want to live a life filled with abundance and happiness, your Emotional Well Being should be of utmost importance to you. Remember, there are no victims in life when you live each day in acceptance of what is. Nothing is done to you, unless you choose to perceive your "self" as a victim of the life circumstances which merely happen around you. You are in control of your emotions; the way you choose to feel can be in harmony with your higher self on the Train of Life™, or they can be a self created, harmful, reactive force for bringing more of the same things you don't want into your life.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Soul Merge

We are at a time in our evolution that we will either change or we will no longer exist as a species. The time has come to learn how to live from a higher state of awareness and we all have the opportunity to do so. It is truly an opportunity to step outside of our limitations and begin a new phase of evolution. All it takes a little effort on our behalf to reach into the deeper aspects of our limited self and emerge with higher awareness and guidance. The Earth is now integrated into a fourth dimensional spiritual structure and more people realize there is a better way of sustaining life. The mass consciousness of the world is increasing to a point of no return; we can no longer continue to live from only a third dimension reality or from the egos perspective of truth.
When the Soul Merge is fully integrated you will be in constant contact with Source energy, and your heart and throat chakras will blend together. You will openly acknowledge the Spiritual Being which you are, and will communicate both auditory and mentally from a higher level of awareness. What others may think of this new you will have no significance to you, as you will realize that it is not your business to interfere with their beliefs. You will be in direct harmony with your true higher self and those that choose to follow will - those that choose not to - will simply be left behind. This may be especially challenging for intimate relationships, as you will have grown to a point of no return, while your mate is still living life from a third dimension perspective.

Simply be patient and allow your life situation to evolve as it is naturally meant to, and enjoy your consistent state of inner peace and connection with Source energy - all will be as it is meant to be. Learn more...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where Am I Going After This Life?

This is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time, as we know it from the egos perspective. The answer is right in front of you. You will go exactly where you are meant to go, based upon how you lived your life-situation and how deeply it is in harmony with your Original Source Agreement. This pre-planned agreement has all the detail you could ever ask for; all you need do is stay connected with Source energy to be clear about your next intended step. Read more...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ready to Travel the World

Discount travel seems to be the rage due to the current economic climate. Everyone is looking for the best possible deals prior to spending their hard earned money on a trip. Whether it's travel for business or a personal vacation, we all want to feel like we did a excellent job planning the details.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Life Plan Balance - Spiritual Life

Most people today continue to live based upon third dimension intelligence or grounded in the limited reality of their mind (ego) and form based sensory perceptions. This is understandable, as the majority of today's teachings is readily accepted by society and supports this limited knowledge base due to the collective mass energy vibration level. However, there is an emergence of higher self, at the four dimensional level, in movements throughout the planet, of which most people are simply not aware. The people in this minority of spiritually based groups have learned to increase their energy vibration to a level of reality that transcends that of third dimensional self. It will be necessary for you to begin interacting with these groups if you are to move forward in life beyond the limited mind based third dimension boundaries that have held you prisoner until now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Strategy for Life Plan Balancing

Life plan balancing doesn't happen by itself, it takes an effort on your behalf to get the most out of the life planned for you. Don't expect to sit back and see miracles happen without first doing your part in the process.

To receive useful tips on what you can do to achieve a balanced life without resistance sign up for the Free Conscious Clarity Newsletter today.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Life Plan Balance

Each of us has eight life plan categories that require balancing for us to be happy on a daily basis.

Life Plan Categories:
Spiritual Life
Emotional Well Being
Physical Health
Family Relationships
Financial Freedom
Soul Merge

Balancing these categories is critical to living life to its fullest and bringing enjoyment to those around you. You can learn how to do this in an easy step by step program. Read more...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Conscious Clarity Energy Process Video

Happiness in Life's Illusion

Somewhere along the path of life we have lost touch with what it means to interact with one another for the simple joy of sharing an experience. When was the last time you watched a young child (under 4) at play? If you watch closely you will notice one fascinating aspect of their interaction with others…they are happy in each moment. They are totally focused on the present moment, have zero stress and could care less if they win or loose the game they are playing. All that is important to them is that they are playing the game. The outcome has absolutely no effect on their peace or happiness, because they are happy to just be in the game.

We as well meaning adults are responsible for hypnotizing children into believing it's important to win. This is one of the greatest tragedies and burdens we embed in their belief systems. If we were conscious of the negative impact this would have on them later in life, we would never plant this seed of peaceful destruction. What we destroy is the natural state of happiness, by basically telling these vulnerable blessings of life that they must win to be happy. We become the destroyers of joyful interaction with others and don't even realize we are the cause. Then this negative competitive trait is amplified by other well meaning individuals in society through the school systems and again later in the business world.

If we would all simply take a few steps back, we would learn from watching a child's higher energy vibration expand the outer realms of life-situation and we would all be a lot better off in the long run. When was the last time you played a game or participated in some activity with others just for the sake of being in that moment for enjoyment, without the purpose of winning? Do you compete in everything you do? Have you been hypnotized into believing there can only be one winner? What if everyone could be a winner, would that make you feel better? Would you be willing to give up your competitive training if you knew you could do more good in life by doing so? These are all good questions; however, some would say it's not realistic to think this way. Who said so? What do you believe and why?

As we progress through our life cycle an amazing thing happens. We start out in a state of pure bliss, go through a phase of accruing material possessions to identify with, and finally, as we mature, we learn that the material stuff doesn't mean anything. When we realize the stuff is not who we are and only an outward reflection of the false self, we start to wake up to the true nature of life. There's nothing wrong with having nice things and to be in a position to do what we want to do - when we want to do it. However, loosing touch with the reality that you are leaving here with the same stuff you came here with is living a life of pure illusion. Why not share something today, as you did when you we a young child, before you learned the word…MINE.
Do something nice for someone today. Do it without wanting anything in return. Be like a young child and experience the joy of just being in the moment for the sake of being here. No planned outcomes, no competitions, no expectations, no rewards other than the happiness you feel as you reconnect with the joys of peace and freedom.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Writing with a Mix of Purpose and Creativity

Writing with an initial key purpose in mind is the key to the actual quality of the text created. If you are not following through with your true intention for writing it becomes simply a bunch of words on a piece of paper. If the outcome is to be creative from a descriptive standpoint then the writing takes on a different tone, as it true with a fictitious piece. What's the sense is writing at all if you are not fulfilling the intended outcome at the end of the writing process.

There are many of us out there in the literary world that simply just love to write for the sake of writing itself. It doesn't matter that much what the topic is, as adjustments are made to accommodate the particular message provided to the reader. Therefore, the great aspect about a career in writing is that you always have a new avenue to approach if you were unsuccessful in the last one. Obviously, the easiest topics to write about are the areas of your deepest personal interest. This is because you have an emotional tie to the subject matter. This allows your personal passion to be transcended from visual thought patterns to auditory messages in the story or article you are presenting. Read more...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Niche Building with Focused Energy

One of the biggest mistakes a small business owner can make is trying to compete with the huge corporations that have seemingly unlimited marketing budgets. I'm not saying be fearful of getting into the game, what I am saying is choose your niche and stick with it.

Select any industry with the potential for huge profits and I promise you will find a giant corporation dominating that industry in some manner. That's part of the American Capitalism World, get accustomed to it. However, the strength of huge corporate structure is also their downfall. Their main purpose for existence is to maximize profits and to do it in a big way. The huge corporations answer to stockholders and stockholders want to see their investments growing consistently; with that comes a great deal of bureaucracy, including multiple departments that need to interface with one another to get anything done. Read more...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Moral Armor

Today I had the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend Ronald E. Springer, author of the thought provoking philosophical novel Moral Armor. In this literary work of art the author expresses his opinions on what caused America's Moral Decline. It is an intriguing read and gives a unique perspective to understanding why individuals have morally declined in life. You can learn more by visiting for an in-depth review, plus, the availability of this novel in eBook format.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Blessing

May the spiritual resurrection of which you really are shine through with Conscious Clarity today and throughout the year.

Spend a few minutes in peaceful meditation to raise the mass consciousness of the world.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Peace Is Universal - It Is Your Natural State of Being

Article by:  Terry Swejkoski

Peace is the Universal natural state of Being. It is the antidote to all unrest in the World. Yet, most of us continue to place a veil over this natural way of living life to its fullest. When we consciously decide to remove this veil we will bring awareness to the beauty of returning to Universal Peace.

There is an emergence of more peace related organizations in the World then ever before. This is due to an awareness of the insanity of how not being peaceful will destroy our planet.
This is one of my favorite quotes:

“When it’s dark enough you can see all the stars.”
- Emerson

It’s in the presence of light that all good things come. So I’d like to pose this question, “Why do most people still decide to allow outside activities to influence their quiet, relaxed, inner peace?” It takes a lot of hard work to place that veil of darkness over the normal peaceful self. When we are in a state of peaceful awareness, the outside influences do not have the same effect on us. Read more...

Friday, April 2, 2010

ConsciousWords Announces Format Change

This week Spirit Publishing launched the new format of its ConsciousWords Division to assist writers and marketing individuals in fulfilling their goals. The new format is based upon the same proven enhancements we added to the Spirit Publishing main website earlier this year.

The ConsciousWords Division of Spirit Publishing is packed with valuable tools, including the ConsciousWords Newsletter, which delivers excellent writing tips for novice and seasoned writers. Additionally, we now have 3,500 authors utilizing our article directory to give them worldwide exposure. There's something there for everyone, whether you are a writer, publisher, marketer or simply someone that enjoys learning from experts, you can benefit from using this valuable tool. Visit today at for more information.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Conscious Clarity Energy Process

Spirit Publishing is the home of The Conscious Clarity Energy Process. The program was developed to fulfill your business and personal success and happiness in life. The foundation is presented in a series of detailed volumes in sequential order through our membership only publication.

There are three levels available to you for your convenience, Soul Merge, Universal and Monadic. Where you fit best depends on where you are currently positioned in awareness...only you know where that is at this present moment in time. Read more about this dynamic self-enhancing spiritual program by visiting today for a complete overview.