Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life is a Process Guided by Faith

The main purpose for being here is the same for everyone…to discover self and merge ego with the Soul. All the other form based by-products of that discovery are nothing more than an examination to consciously illustrate your current level of energy vibration. Therefore, how you perceive life is continuously guided by higher self; whether or not you listen is based upon free-will and level of faith.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Conscious Attention on the Current Task

Goals are achieved by taking massive action on the task at hand and conscious clarity of purpose. Therefore, if you are not focused on the task (to completion) you could become lost in random thought, which is equivalent to running around in circles  and eventually arriving back at the starting point – without accomplishing anything.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Confusing Your Role with Self

What happens if you merely define yourself by the roles played in the life process? Do you believe you are less once a role is completed or are you still the same Being?

Your answers will assist you in determining whether your life is driven by ego or higher self. The answers will also help you to better understand your current level of happiness and peace. Read more...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Power Is in Being

Most people are so wrapped up in the illusion of constant doing that they forget the power of simply Being. Read more... 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Build Strong Relationships with Children

The strength of relationships with our children today…will become the foundation of humanity evolution; therefore, pay close attention to what they say, as they will surely be the leaders of tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sneak Preview of Main Event

As with every story, there is background information which never appears on the surface for all to see. The stage performance may be polished, however, eventually the true version, behind the scenes is exposed.

Therefore, it is really interesting to watch the stage performance, and then, connect with the performer later in the true experience of the main event to observe who they really are.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blowing in the Wind without a Parachute

Jumping out of an airplane without a parachute is similar to going through life without a Life Plan. You will eventually end up at your final destination; however, the end result may not be very desirable. Listen to your higher self guidance (instinct) and align with your true purpose; it will assist you in obtaining a pleasant landing. Get balanced today...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life Plan Defined

Our Life Plan is merely the methodology used to align with the consciousness of the Universe. And this is meant to enhance love, happiness, and a peaceful experience here on Earth.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Spiritual Intervention

If you observe a friend experiencing a fearful control drama, you can help by intervening spiritually with a conscious gesture of love. Every now and then a simple hug is all that is needed to break a pattern causing someone unnecessary pain.

Oil Spill Threatens Lake Michigan

Sierra Club reports – Canada-based Enbridge, Inc. oil disaster closes Kalamazoo River and endangers Lake Michigan. The EPA reports 1 million gallons have spilled into Michigan's Battle Creek, which feeds the Kalamazoo River and empties into Lake Michigan. See the full story including video for a first hand report.

Who will clean up this new spill and what can we do to protect our natural resources from future occurrences?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The ConsciousWords Article Directory

For those of you that are new to the Spirit Publishing Blog, you may not be aware that we have a place on the Internet for you to express yourself and profile your business.

Please take a few moments each week to share your opinions by writing a short personal article on our free ConsciousWords Article Directory.

Welcome to the family!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Does Crying Cleanse the Soul?

The Soul is pure and does not require cleansing; it is always in a state of pure love and happiness - without exception. 

The mind on the contrary is capable of producing fear, anxiety and sadness; therefore, it expands its story based upon emotional stimulation. These thoughts and emotions can be cleansed in part through crying, as it brings the person back to surrendering to higher spiritual self. Thus, it cleanses the mind of the story brought on by the emotions, which are actually there to alert you when you are out of harmony with higher self awareness. Read more...